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1 Review
1 Review
1 Review
1 Review
Admittedly, it's early to rate the peppers. It's been almost three weeks since we started them. We planted two per cell in six cells. 9/12 germinated. They took about 2 weeks to come up and seem to be doing well. We started them the second weekend of March and live in SW NH, so there's some time yet before we transplant. Will shortly be thinning to one per cell and with any luck we'll have six to transplant come mid May. Then comes the challenge. A dry hot summer and they'll do well. Cool wet one and we're in trouble. Will report back at the end of the season.
Here in Southern Idaho I won't be planting these until sometime later when the weather is warmer. I've learned that planting beans early is not very productive. Seeds came timely from Thresh and looks like you get your money's worth.
I started 8 lemon drop peppers earlier this month, and 7 have germinated successfully. I can't wait to try them!
Absolutely amazing
great quality
Outstanding costumers service
highly recommend
Quality seeds and packaging. We are using as dinner favors for family reunion at Amish restaurant this year.
Quality seeds and packaging. We are using as reunion dinner favors at an Amish restaurant this year.
Quality seeds and packaging. We are
Using as part of family reunion dinner favors at an Amish restaurant this year.
These seeds popped in 4 days and are growing great 👍 looking forward to seeing them in the garden.😀
These seeds popped in 4 days and are growing nicely looking forward to seeing them in the garden.😀
These peppers grew extremely well in mid-Michigan! I had 3 plants in a 3 gallon pot, definitely less than ideal growing conditions, but they didn't care at all. I had to tie them up to keep them from falling over! They were very prolific and had great flavor. Pictured before they were ripe to show the size of the plants. They were bright orange when ripe!
Ordered my seeds a month ago in preparation for the upcoming year. Started 16 seeds indoors and they have all sprouted! From all of the reviews i have read they are heavy producers so I can’t wait to be able to try these and sell some at the local farmers market! The seedlings look strong and are growing at great rates. Hard to believe I only planted them about 10 days ago!
These are excellent Peppers to grow and our gourmet quality but be warned they are not for a complete novice you need to have somewhat of a basis of understanding how to germinate seeds if you're going to buy this type but if you can follow simple directions you will have great success I bought multiple types of peppers seeds from this company they had an excellent Packaging excellent germination and it looks like these guys are on top of their game
Seeds sprouted quickly and are growing into string healthy seedlings
I have never grown beans before so planted these without much expectation, but they germinated fast and quickly outgrew their potting vessel. I have potted them up once already and they are doing well in a roomier home, waiting to be transplanted outside.
Outstanding selection of sweet yellow tomato