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Easy-to-grow and well-loved by most everyone, green beans, also known as snap beans, are perhaps the most popular vegetable for the home garden. Whether green, purple, yellow or spotted, flat or round, slender or plump, bush beans or pole beans, one thing's for sure, we have heirloom green bean seeds of just about every kind. Check out our selection of heirloom green bean seeds and find the one that's just right for you.
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1 Review
Fantastic seeds- sprouted quickly and are thriving indoors. Looking forward to transplanting outside when weather permits!!
While it's too early to tell how much these seeds will produce, I did have 21 seeds that germinated and the plants are looking healthy. I'll probably transplant them into larger pots this weekend and give them a chance to grow big and strong before planting them in my garden. Looking forward to a new pepper we haven't tried before.
I got the seeds but they haven't germinated yet.
I got the seeds but they have not germinated yet.
I purchased 4 vibrant colors last year and planted them in a quadrant design. They were beautiful. Full blooms, tall sturdy stalks. I had about 80% sprout. Butterflies loved them. I wish I had photographed them, I certainly plan to this summer. Easy to grow, tossed into an old raised bed square. I do water weekly if needed.
Great seeds! I read that everglades tomatoes can take a long time to germinate, but I used some quality organic compost, and these seeds sprouted in only 5 days! I can't wait to see how many tomatoes we get from these!
Third year growing these from Thresh Seed! These make the best, most robust tasting paprika! Very prolific! Great germination!
Everything looks great, can’t wait to put seeds in dirt
Very responsive and reliable! Thank you!
I think I jumped the gun on these lil guys. Started them at Christmas, two per pod in a six cylinder Aerogarden thinking they'd grow slower. I underestimated them, after pulling the runts out of each pod (11 out of 12 took) they pushed up to maturity and started popping fruit already in the first week of February! I am not complaining. I keep them well pruned and they seem quite happy bundled on my shelf. Come final thaw they'll join the maters outside and be bumping well into fall, fingers crossed and here's hoping I get a couple sample peppers in the meantime.
A great seed company! The seeds came quickly and are in black Mylar ziplock bags. I always get good germination also.
My customers love this one!
Very meaty! Great flavor!
I have been growing this tomato variety for quite some time. The best compliment for this tomato is that I have several friends that beg me to start plants for them too, they have never found the Heirloom offered at retailers. The size of the fruit is wonderful for processing. It is an intermediate choice between the very meaty beefsteak and the very juicy varieties. The only drawback i have noted is that the shoulders sometimes do not fully ripen, but the size of the tomato is so wonderful that discarding some shoulder is not problematic. It is one variety that I ALWAYS plant while some other choices come and go.
Exactly what I wanted..Can’t wait to plant them.